
Provider Education

I teach obstetric residents, midwifery students, and other health professionals how to use brief, evidence-based counseling to reduce morbidity and mortality and increase health equity.
Topics include fertility, nutrition and the microbiome, prenatal and postnatal exercise, chronic disease prevention and management, and behavior change.
*Online and in-person options available.

Prenatal and Perinatal Health Consulting

I provide health coaching, nutritional counseling, and exercise programming for optimal preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum health outcomes.

Services available for individuals and groups, online or in-person. 


I speak at universities, conferences, committees, hospitals, or grand rounds on fertility, nutrition and the microbiome, prenatal and postnatal exercise, chronic disease prevention and management, health equity, or behavior change using evidence-based counseling.
*Online and in-person options available.

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