About Me

A Brief Introduction

In addition to being the mother of little ones who do not like posing for pictures, I am a handful of other things. As a writer, researcher, educator, nutritionist, health coach, peer-reviewed journal Editor-in-Chief, and entrepreneur, my main focus for roughly 20 years has been improving prenatal health by empowering families and health professionals with resources and guidance that can transform their lives and practice.

There are dire health inequities during and after pregnancy, and many do not have the support they need. Our fragmented healthcare system has providers short on time and burnt out. Providers are expected to be the go-to source for health information even though preventative care and evidence-based counseling methods are not a focus of medical training. Research shows that when providers attempt to counsel on health, the message is often not received.

This is where I can help.

Area of Focus

I focus on preventative, holistic approaches to prenatal health through improved lifestyle counseling and patient education. I teach brief evidence-based methods in nutrition, physical activity, mental health, gut/microbiome health, stress management, sleep, and more. While this seems like a long list, they are all interconnected and associated with preventing or managing chronic disease, reducing morbidity and mortality, and improving intergenerational health.

On a Personal Note

I was raised by a vivacious single mother who passed away suddenly from a preventable disease just as I began college and started a career as a health coach. That experience has fueled my unwavering passion and purpose to help families create a solid foundation of health and fill in the knowledge and training gaps for the health professionals who want to better support them.


Online and in-person options available

Provider Education

I teach obstetric residents, midwifery students, and other health professionals how to use brief, evidence-based counseling to reduce morbidity and mortality and increase health equity.
Topics include fertility, nutrition and the microbiome, prenatal and postnatal exercise, chronic disease prevention and management, and behavior change psychology.

Prenatal and Perinatal Health Consulting

I provide health coaching, nutritional counseling, and exercise programming for optimal preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum health outcomes.

Services available for individuals and groups, online or in-person. 


I speak at universities, conferences, committees, hospitals, or grand rounds on fertility, nutrition and the microbiome, prenatal and postnatal exercise, chronic disease prevention and management, health equity, or behavior change using evidence-based counseling and psychology.

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